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The Gallery page is under perpetual construction. If you have any materials (still images, animations etc.) you would like to submit for this page please contact us at gallery@orbaz.com. More Particle Flow and PFTools related videos can be found at Vimeo Particle Flow Toolboxes Group.

Particle Skinner modifier

Created with Autodesk 3ds max 9 with Particle Flow Tools: Box#2 beta by Oleg Bayborodin / Orbaz Technologies, Inc. and by Anselm von Seherr - Thoß (aka. PsychoSilence) 3Delicious © 2008

"The animations illustrate Box#2 abilities to use Particle Flow particles as bones for skinning - with misc. options to rip the surface apart."

PSkinner01.avi (18MB) 640x480

PSkinner02.avi (4.1MB) 640x480

PSkinner03.avi (2MB) 640x480

PhysXGlue_ClothDamage.mov (9.4MB) 720x576