PhysX Glue Test
Test True When Particles - When on, PhysX Glue also serves as a test, redirecting particles to the next event based on the particle bindings in the event and which option is active:
Bind - Once a particle gets any binding-to another particle, a deflector, or the ground-it's ejected to the next event right away.
Keep in mind that binding is a persistent property for a particle, so a particle keeps the binding while in the next event. Also, the property that determines how bindings can break, as defined by Max Force and Max Torque settings, also persists;
if sufficient forces are applied to a particle in the next event, the binding can be broken.
However, the Continuous Adjustment update no longer applies to a particle binding in the next event; it keeps the force/torque threshold values at the moment when a particle left the current event.
Break Any Binding - Occurs when a particle breaks any of its bindings; as with the Bind condition (see preceding), a particle keeps other bindings intact when redirected to the next event.
Break All Bindings - Occurs when a particle loses all of its bindings.